"What do you do for mail, or an address as a full time RV'er."
No matter where you are in life, you need a "domicile" residence or a place to live. This is for voting, a driver's license, tax purposes, vehicle/health insurance, and license plate/tags for vehicles. I want to give a few ideas on what I do for a domicile and some tips on what you can do when you become a full time RV'er. (Don't forget to hit the "buy me a coffee" cup at the top of the page, this helps support the blog and it's like leaving me a $5 dollar tip! Thanks for your patronage!)
When I became a full time RV'er I had to do a number of things, which I cover in this blog to succeed in the lifestyle. There are services out there, that I don't use, that can give you thorough information and assistance for a fee. These businesses provide a mailing address, digitize, sort and some help you establish an address. Here are three:
Anytime Mailbox
Escapees (one of the oldest in the business)
The above listed are known in most RV circles. My domicile is in Michigan. My parents (I know, I'm a fucking fifty year old who still needs my parents, hint, hint, we always need our parents, so enjoy them!) sort through my mail, which consists of mostly junk. I have converted all my bills, tags, license, etc. to electronic. When I get paychecks, yes there are jobs that still give paychecks and who do not offer direct deposit, I use a bank's mobile app and make deposits from there. I set all bills to autopay or pay them from an app. Be sure if you opt for using a relatives address, to have most, if not all, your mail converted to electronic so that there's not too much of a burden on them.
But, "Where do you have packages from Amazon or those important pieces of mail from your domicile mailed to?" I have work camped at a place that didn't allow packages. In this case, I found a local UPS store, which offers a physical address (this is imperative to have if you donate plasma like I do as a side hustle), it's a low cost solution, under $200 for about six months. When I worked in Joseph, Oregon, where I didn't have an address I went to USPS and signed up for a P.O. Box (a fairly cheap alternative). The post office excepts Amazon packages and will hold them for you. This option does not give you a physical address, and since I was in the middle of nowhere without a plasma center nearby, I didn't need a "physical address". If you're an Amazon user, there's sometimes options for a nearby locker to have your packages delivered to. Amazon makes this process quite easy. I've done it before right from the app.
All in all, do your research and use the domicile method that will work well for your personal full time situation. My experience so far has been seamless and has been going well for almost three years. If you have questions I haven't answered on the blog, ask me below and maybe you'll see your question in the near future. Feel free to share this article with your friends on the socials, I appreciate the site traffic and your readership!
Thanks for reading.
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site timeaglefiction.com Thanks for reading!
