The comment I get so often in my life as a writer and full time RV’er is: “You’re living the dream.” Okay, I’ll agree that we all live our dreams differently. I can honestly say that I have a certain level of unchained freedom in the life of RV’ing in a world full of material possession and consumerism. There’s an exception, though, and it is deep inside the core of my being, that allows me to carry this dream persona forward for all to see and read.
Many of us have balance in our life. That balance can be found in the joy our children bring us as they grow up. The garden outside the house that blooms with the cyclical seasons unfolding before us. The balance I have, other than the freedom to say, “Fuck this,” and move on with my life, is my writing. I’m an easy going person, or at least I like to think I am. I share my life with anyone that asks. I write as an outlet to another realm, a realm that doesn’t irritate me, stir my biased old man opinions, and a distant place from the everyday hum drum that is survival. I disappear when I write horror and my sentimental fiction, both which give me an escape.
What most who see my reels, shorts, and read my social posts don’t get to see, is that this life isn’t always easy. It doesn’t come without sacrifices, the same way watching our children grow or even watching the blooms in our gardens take hold. Happiness of those ideals come with constant parenting, and weeding, metaphor intended. With this life, it is the same. I had to disperse ninety percent of all my stuff, I had to sell the home Maria and I had worked fourteen years on renovating, spent summers with family, friends, and children creating many memories in. These sacrifices weren’t easy, and came with the agreement we were becoming free from both the restraints of our once dormant home, and free to say “fuck it” when shit might seem daunting, or too stupid to deal with.
I make this life work. Is it a dream? To some, yes, to me, it has become the everyday where the yard outside changes every five or so months. The scene displayed out my writing window is ever changing, and my work/life balance exceeds my expectations because it is ever evolving. To some this is a romanticized peek at an alternate lifestyle, but to me, it has become the life Maria and I chose to free ourselves from all the stuff, to unburden our lives, and to be in love with life, all over again. Thanks for reading…
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site Thanks for reading, tune in next week for more...
