It's FRIDAY! If you're anything like me, you look forward to the day of the week where work is done, and a good curated movie to start your weekend is desperately needed. First off, I have given you my A List curated movies here. I'm going to try to give you a weekly dose of movie magic every week, time restraints pending, and I'll even give a small blurb of the movie so you can yay or nay it. I used to have a collection of almost three hundred DVD's and while downsizing, one of my adult children inherited them all, cabinet included. Since that melancholic moment, three years ago when I decided to live full time in the MOTHERSHIP, I have started a collection, I buy streaming/digitized movies. This stops me from making a trip to the theater and saves space in the small confines of the Class A!
I won't bore you with who's in the movie, or the date of the movie, unless is an oldy moldy, just google it. I made the movie title a link.
Tuesday (A24) this movie is a great movie. It's a feel good movie, with some sadness, and to top all things off, it's A24, one of my favorite movie makers. This movie is about dying, death, and the bird like creature that takes life when its time. Fair warning, this one made me tear up a bit.
All Dirt Roads Taste of Salt (A24) this is a movie rich in symbolism, is mostly a drama and will pull you deep into the fold of tradition, and the not so traditional. I love when a movie forces you to give it full attention, makes you think and has a rich variety of diversity, All Dirt Roads does just that. This movie has the feels, a bit of mystery and will leave you with some questions, but in the end I really loved it.
Oddity, my horror recommendation for this week. I loved the unique twists, turns, and the surprises this movie had to offer. Not to mention the unusual circumstances and mystery that the horror gives the viewer up until the end. I write horror, love horror, and I feel that this movie deserves more love than what I've seen given. It's not blood and guts horror, this movie gives you chills without the gore, and surprises that come out unexpectantly. Enjoy.
The Evil (1978), I thought I was done recommending horror in this post, but I have to give an oldy some love. This one is a bit weird and cheesy, but gives you a blast from the past, and is a movie you can watch if you have some house cleaning to do, or just don't want to think too hard. I found it streaming free, so that's a bonus!
If this list does you good, and you've loved or hated the movies above, please let me know in the comments below! I appreciate the feedback. If you have a great movie you think I'd love, please, I'm game and always looking for my next watch. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget, if you love the blog and feel guilty getting to read for free, buy some books from me (Scion paperback releases 12/2), buy some merch, or if you'd rather just give me $5 as a tip to BUY ME A COFFEE, you can do that to, every bit helps. Again, thank YOU! Don't forget to share this with all your social friends!
As always, thanks for stopping by!
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site
This has been: Tim Eagle's Curated Cinema : A weekly Dose of Movie Magic
