I was asked where I stopped if I need a break and I'm not on the interstate. The answer isn't always black and white, but I'm going to list some options that may or may not be in the forefront of the weary traveler. There are many times when travelling that there aren't convenient pit stops on the road less travelled.
I give a constructive list of the best places that work for me (I even throw in my favorite state for Interstate Rest Stops). These "alternatives" are easier for large or small rigs. Our Mothership is 35' long plus a "toad" and isn't always easy to navigate certain situations, so I've evolved, by peering into the Magic Eightball and finding the most convenient. As I discussed before, there are times when our "trucker's GPS" lead me to some really beautiful, but spooky drives. On these roadworthy trips the areas aren't always peppered with rest stops, so here is my list...
Turn offs: Sometimes we luck out, like on Rattlesnake Grade, 60 in Arizona and even 3 through Montana, where there were turn offs. These are easy off and easy on road stops. Since the Mothership (and most travel rigs) is self-contained, we can stop, use the toilet, take Cocoa for a stretch, grab a quick bite to eat and de-stress. I tend to find these areas more time than not and love some of the scenery that goes with them. There are also a lot of these in New Mexico.
Gas Stations: Sometimes, and only sometimes, there are gas stations on these roads less travelled. When there are, give the place an investigative eye, and if it's suitable for the rig, stop in, fuel up, and take a break. At times there's a lot nearby where you can navigate safely.
Grocery Stores: I'm not going to say the "W" word, because I really don't like the superstore for anything, so on these lesser roads, you can sometimes find a grocery store tucked away or a semi-urban setting that may spring up from time to time with large parking lots. Please if you stop make a small purchase, it helps alleviate any guilt you may have while you tend to business. (fair warning: states like Arizona and Florida, have some narrow parking lots, to avoid long term squatting on their properties, RV'ers beware!)
Rest Areas: Some states are better at having rest stops on the back roads than others. I know of a few spots in Michigan, one of those spots is the rest area on M-46, a good place to stop and stretch with a running river behind it. An example of improvising is when we were following the GPS through the winding back roads of Pennsylvania. The GPS was guiding us to avoid low clearance bridges and tunnels. My bladder called out as we were coasting down a massive hill, and voila, an old abandoned gas station, with ample spots for us to pull into, appeared. I took advantage and stopped, not overstaying a welcome.
Off topic, My Favorite Interstate Rest Area: Kansas' Interstate rest areas! Yes, they are equipped with a turnaround for RV overnights, and they even offer a free dump if you need to empty the ol' shitter. I made a video of one of the rest stops, HERE because I was excited and have never seen this in any other state during the three years I've been a full time RV'er.
No matter where you are, there is always a place to stop, those places just come fewer and farther between when travelling alternatively. Use your best judgment, and follow your gut. If the stop doesn't look appealing, safe, or easy to pull in and out of, move on. Safe travels and may your bladder be emptied when nature calls! I hope to see you on the road soon...
As always, thanks for stopping by!
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site timeaglefiction.com
