The end of March is fast approaching, and I'm a bit nervous. Maria and I have been down here in the sunshine since the end of October, and we're going to head northeast. Some of you know that I'm a writer, and have written a few things in my time. In the world of social media, and my website subscribers, I've met so many people in the horror and writing community that I've never met in real life.
Living the full time RV life I've been guilty of not seeing or engaging with humans, instead the cryptids constantly come to me. I've slumped into the easy to navigate social forums, albeit awkwardly, and not engaging near enough for the algorithms to show my posts, videos or updates, let alone my books. This life gives me the opportunity to meet plenty of new people, and others of the same lifestyle, but I still don't socialize face to face near as much as I'd really like to with the coterie of horror.
I can almost feel a tinkle of anxiety (even though I don't suffer from this too much) building inside before heading to the Scares that Care in Williamsburg, VA, (a place that all the "cool kids" in horror hang). I have been reassured by the kind people who have read my books or who have supported my indie writing lifestyle. Many have messaged me and told me all would be well and that I could hang near their table, I'm greatful for that offer. I'm a person with a lot of energy, and once comfortable in a crowd, I open up a bit. There's a part of me that hopes my sometimes social awkwardness rears it's monstrous head so I can seem truly off-putting, LOL!
I'm excited, nervous, and all the feels, and can't wait to meet everyone. This is the first and I'm sure, won't be the last, event I'm attending. If you're reading this blog and you're going to be there as a writer at a table or a reader wandering around, look for me, I can't be missed! I will do the same. Take care...see you soon.
As always, thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to sign up for my monthly newsletter and/or buy me a coffee, click the coffee mug on the top and help support all these goodies I give away!
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site
