I'm going to take a step back from the week to week tips on RV Life, but you can revisit some of my best at the following links: Considering the RV Life? , Workamping Essentials, WTF is a Class A?, and How to Become a Full Time RV'er. If you're enjoying this and all my other life and RV blogs, please, please please, click the coffee mug, leave me a $5 tip to show your appreciation and by all means, keep reading...
I was asked how do I stay inspired in writing blogs and my fiction while on the road. Being an artist of any kind, takes inspiration. I'm going to share how that spark is alive and well, continuing only to get better with each month and passing day.
I keep notes. Every time a great idea comes to me, I take notes and revert back to the notes when I pull up a document and keep writing. For this blog, my ideas come from questions posed to me in conversation. When I'm asked, I answer, or come back here and jot it down. I love to share resources with everyone if they want to vicariously live through my travels and to join the lifestyle in the future.
As a writer, my head is always spinning. I add detail to everyday situations (in my head), even when it's not needed. I look at the dark side, take inspiration from it, adding a little spice and flavor sprinkling it in my fiction. The blog is a little different, because I try to stay lighter and lean toward the non-fiction aspect, keeping it real (unless otherwise noted in the title, lol).
My muse is when I'm behind the wheel of the Mothership. When I start the engine, hook up the "Mario Kart", boot up my GPS, and head out of the park I called home for five to six months it starts my brain and sparks my imagination. When I find a mountainous spot, a serene wooded green space in a sparsely populated venue, I inhale deeply, admire all that is not being touched by the human element. This is exactly why I live this life of travel and experience.
In a nutshell, if you're not living this life and struggling to be inspired, don't be deflated, find that happy place. Find the spot in your life where you can retreat, drink a favorite beverage, smoke a favorite smoke , and start by just enjoying where you're at in life. Start by saying, this is exactly where I'm meant to be. Stay positive, even in the grimiest points of life, these small tips will help you prevail and help you be the best YOU. Thanks for finding solace in your daily life. YOU matter, don't let anyone tell you different. Remember, you can comment below, leave me a question, and share this blog on your socials. You just may see your question answered the next time around.
Thanks for reading.
Tim Eagle
Tim Eagle is an author of the novellas Stolen Seed, Life Ship, and the Vasectomus Collection. He lives full time, on the road, with his wife, Maria and their dog, Cocoa. He grew up in Michigan and is inspired by the dysfunction of America. His books are available on Amazon, godless and this site timeaglefiction.com
